Play Boss Rush Apocalypse
My first game developed in a game jam, Boss Rush Apocalypse was a welcome break for two days during the stressful development of The Enchanted Cave 2 during a weekend in November 2014. It was a part of the #indiesvspewdiepie game jam and was a ton of fun to make a simple thing quickly from scratch and to see what other devs came up with!
The game is a simple infinite-mode boss rush with each round adding another head that shoots projectiles to a ever-growing monstrosity of weirdness. Hacking off a lower portion of a branch destroys the “leaves” of the tree which adds some interesting strategy to the mix. The game itself is very simple, which of course is the result of completing it in 24 hours, and for quickness and a bit of quirkiness, all sound effects I just recorded with my mouth and a microphone.
Maybe next jam I’ll know enough about music to add some nice background music as well! 🙂