Random Dungeon Generation

The Enchanted Cave had pseudo-random floors that were 11×11 in size and chosen randomly from a pool of 100 pre-made ones.

The sequel will feature fully random generation of maps on a 40×40 grid.  Here are some examples of various floor shapes shown in the very basic minimap that’s currently in the game:

Wheeeeeeeeee maps

The pros of this is of course infinite variety in floors, and the larger maps allow for more monsters and treasure per floor.  To compensate for the larger size, the hero moves at a jog rather than a walk so you don’t waste time getting places.  Also, I don’t have to manually design a bunch of floors so that’s a time saver for me.  I can also tweak values within the dungeon generation algorithm so that different shapes appear for different sets of floors.

The cons would be that there’s less character to these floors than they would be if I manually designed them.  Special floors like shops will still have a manual design.  I think this is very minimal however, and think that the randomness creates a better cave feel anyway.

Gonna be weekly posting some kind of update to this to keep me going, so look forward to updates every Monday!

One thought on “Random Dungeon Generation

  1. Wow, I just finished the enchanted cave on my nexus 7, its probably the best game I’ve played on it . Deceptively simple yet with a fair amount of strategy its an addictive\relaxing play. Keep up the good work mate and I’ll be first in line for the sequel!

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